Here at YWAM Kyiv, we devote ourselves to preaching the gospel. We cultivate empowered and missions-minded Christ followers, and we renew the lives of the broken.
If you are coming to help with a Wave of Hope, we are so thankful! We know your team will have a very meaningful experience and make a difference!
If you are coming at a different time of the year, we still need your help!
Before the war, we focused on directly impacting our city through family ministries, refugee care, youth groups, camps, English clubs, and orphan ministry. Due to the war, we have shifted some of our focus and are currently operating in 3 main teams (that work together and overlap depending on the needs).
As a team coming to serve alongside us, you will work with all of the teams below, but depending on your length of service, and your teams goals and skills, we will create a schedule that is right for your team. You will be integrated into our YWAM community and be involved in our worship, intercession, family nights and other events.

DEVOTE - The first team is an evangelism team. This team focuses on sharing the gospel in Kyiv, the villages around our city, and even going closer to the cities nearer the frontlines. We want to reach out to soldiers, grandmas, grandpas, children and teens.
CULTIVATE - During this war time, YWAM has created many new partnerships with churches all over Ukraine. We are looking forward to when this war is over and we can continue these relationships. The training team is developing strategic partnerships and promotion for future YWAM Kyiv training.

RENEW - We desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus during this war. There are more needs than it is possible to meet, but we are still doing everything we can. Our team makes food bags, goes to hospitals and brings medicine, and of course supplies other needs such as shelters for winter, wood for heat, and clothes.

Housing is available at our missions center. It is dormitory style living, and we also have limited accommodations for couples and families. YWAM Kyiv will provide the linens and towels.
Depending on our situation with electricity and provision of a cook, you can also order meals with us ahead of time and eat together with our students and teams. This is an additional food charge and depends on the amount of meals that will be eaten.
Medical insurance is required. If you do not have an international health insurance plan, we recommend Talent Trust Consultants at
Currently the airports are closed, but it is possible to arrive by train either from Poland or Hungary. We will help you with the arrangements.
Internationals will need a valid passport.
Necessary documents include the proper visa for the time you decide to serve with us. Citizens of most Western countries are able to stay in Ukraine for up to 90 days without a visa. Please look at the Ukrainian Embassy website for more information.
YWAM Kyiv is located on the beautiful bank of the Dnipro River. We are situated just outside the city of Kyiv (only 400 meters from the end of Kyiv sign) on a beautiful 8 acre property. We are literally right on the river, which means we have a beach!
The weather is mostly cool from September-November and then gets quite cold from December-March. Usually, by the end of March, things start to warm up but sometimes it doesn't warm up until the end of April to early May. Summers are gorgeous, but May is particularly lovely as all the lilacs and other trees are blooming. Expect humidity during the summer, as we are right on the water.